Meet Cam.

I am a filmmaker based out of Fort Worth, Texas with a heart for great visuals and even greater stories. I married the love of my life, Jen, in 2018 and discovered how important and meaningful marriage was to me. I learned what marriage truly represents and the honor it is even in its hardest moments. This ignited a passion within me to capture these moments for others choosing to devote themselves to one another for a lifetime. I am honored to capture and tell your love stories, and play a small, but important, part in your journey through life together. May your future generations be blessed by the work we do!

Why Nobl ?

Nobl (pronounced Noble) is a creative acronym for the one thing I want my life to be marked by, “Nothing But Love”. If there is one thing I want people to remember about me, it’s that I gave them “nothing but love”. This, I believe, is the absolute greatest thing I can give to anyone freely; love. We are also a ‘Film House’ because when we interact we want you to feel like family, to feel like you matter and are cared for like we grew up in the same house as kids. This is why Nobl Film House exists. We get to love on and serve those who are madly in love, and it is the greatest thing we could ever do. We look forward to working with you!